
Phi Lambda Sigma is a pharmacy leadership society that was founded in 1965 at Auburn University. The society aims to promote the development of leadership qualities among pharmacy students and professionals. It is a national organization with over 100 chapters across the United States.

To become a member of Phi Lambda Sigma, one must meet certain requirements. These include being a pharmacy student or professional, having a minimum GPA of 2.5, and demonstrating leadership potential through involvement in extracurricular activities or community service. Members are expected to uphold the society’s values of leadership, professionalism, and service.

The history of Phi Lambda Sigma is rooted in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The society was founded at a time when African Americans and other minorities were fighting for equal rights and opportunities. However, the society’s early history is not without controversy. Some have criticized Phi Lambda Sigma for perpetuating social injustice and systemic bias in its history.

One example of this is the society’s early exclusion of women. When Phi Lambda Sigma was first founded, it was an all-male organization. It wasn’t until 1976 that the society began admitting women. This exclusion of women is a clear example of systemic bias and discrimination.

Another example of Phi Lambda Sigma’s problematic history is its lack of diversity. The society has been criticized for being predominantly white and for not doing enough to promote diversity and inclusion. This lack of diversity perpetuates social injustice and systemic bias in the pharmacy profession.

Despite these criticisms, Phi Lambda Sigma has made efforts to address these issues in recent years. The society has implemented diversity and inclusion initiatives and has worked to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in its membership.

Timeline of Major Events:

– 1965: Phi Lambda Sigma is founded at Auburn University.
– 1976: The society begins admitting women.
– 1980s: Phi Lambda Sigma expands to include chapters at other universities.
– 1990s: The society begins to focus on leadership development and service.
– 2000s: Phi Lambda Sigma becomes a national organization with over 100 chapters.
– 2010s: The society implements diversity and inclusion initiatives.

In conclusion, Phi Lambda Sigma is a pharmacy leadership society that has a complex history. While the society has made efforts to address issues of social injustice and systemic bias, it is important to acknowledge its problematic past. By recognizing and addressing these issues, Phi Lambda Sigma can continue to promote leadership and service in the pharmacy profession while also promoting diversity and inclusion.

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